How do I maintain or refresh My FAux locs or Goddess locs ?
To keep your locs moist shiny I always recommend that my clients get a spray bottle and fill it about halfway with 2 parts water 1 part oil. Basically what translates to is 1/3rd oil to 2/3rds water. No you don't have to use any particular oil. No t does not have to be expensive at all. Avocado oil, Extra Virgin Olive oil or Grapeseed oil can be found at your local grocery store and either of those will do.
If you have a prefered blend by all means suit yourself. I even have a list of the oils I use in my regimen as well as on my clients in general.
The next step is to take that filled spray bottle and shake it up well then spitz your locs evenly all throughout, finger combing and detangling if or as needed. Do remember to shake the bottle well and often between spritzing as the oils will naturally settle on top of the water.
Don't hurt yourself lol, and try to avoid getting any solution into your eyes.
The idea is not to soak the hair. This aint a jerri curl and that aint activator. Instead the goal is to moisturize and refresh .
Can you just use oil sheen ? Sure but is oil sheen able to penetrate your hair past the hair covering it like my technique will ? NO. Is oil sheen going to ensure that when you take out your protective style your hair is not dry and brittle ? NO. Is oil sheen going to help u detangle and provide that much needed slip? NO. Oil sheen just sits on top all greazy and makes your hair look shiny for a short time . So in my experience a simple chemical free spritz is surely the best alternative.
I show all my clients how to do this properly at the end of each session I want you to get the most out of this style its an investment. To reserve my time click here <- I would love to work with you.